College Committees

More information for each committee can be found on the SharePoint Online (SPO) platform. Faculty and staff can log in using their LACCD SSO credentials.

3D Abstract background with blue squares

Academic Senate Committees


The Academic Senate of Los Angeles City College is the official voice of the faculty on academic and professional matters. The Academic Senate cultivates a collegial and supportive community of educators through respectful dialog and honest communication. It provides leadership for the college and fosters a culture of innovation and excellence in instructional and learning support programs for the success of our students.


The Academic Rank Committee is dedicated to acknowledging and promoting the professionalism, dedication to learning, and commitment to education of LACC faculty. The establishment of academic rank enhances status, boosts community prestige, recognizes service, and improves the personal welfare of faculty members. Academic titles align two-year college faculty more closely with other segments as outlined in California's Master Plan of Higher Education. Academic titles enhance opportunities for national scholarships and increase invitations for assignments at other colleges and universities. Furthermore, academic titles add significant prestige to the publication of textbooks and other educational materials.

Academic Rank Committee



The Chairs' Caucus meets to consider and make recommendations to the Academic Senate based on Department Chairs' concerns.

Chairs Caucus



The Curriculum Committee serves as a subcommittee of the Academic Senate and is responsible for the approval of new courses/programs and revisions to existing courses/programs​​.

Curriculum Committee



This committee of the Academic Senate makes recommendations, as appropriate, to the Academic Senate and College Council. EPPIC:

  • provides unit-level analysis and input for the comprehensive strategic planning cycle.
  • ensures the quality of student learning and promotes student success and learning at the department, program, and unit levels.
  • oversees the entire program review process, including reviews of all of the results of program reviews from all areas of the campus (Academic Affairs, Student Services and Administrative Services), and also ensuring that all improvement plans and recommendations align with the college’s core purpose of providing quality student learning and promoting student success.
  • ensures that department, program, and unit level goals and objectives, in alignment with the Educational and Strategic Master Plan, are implemented.


  1. Overseeing all program review processes, and analyzing and approving recommendations from the Program Review & Effectiveness Committee.
  2. Overseeing program viability studies as initiated through recommendations from the department chair, the Academic Senate, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, or the President of the College.
  3. Overseeing progress in implementing recommendations from Comprehensive Program Review, program review updates, and viability studies.
  4. Analyzing and approving Hiring Prioritization Committee full-time faculty hiring recommendation list.
  5. Analyzing and approving recommendations from the SLO&A Committee.
  6. Drafting and recommending policies that advance the educational mission of the college and promote student success.
  7. Providing initial evaluation and approval of new degree and certificate programs.

Educational Policies and Program Integrity Committee (EPPIC)


Background and Purpose

Section 87360 of the California Education Code gives local academic senates the authority to establish by mutual agreement with the governing board or its designees’ criteria, policies and procedures for hiring new probationary faculty. At Los Angeles City College this is referred to as the Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee (FHPC). The primary purposes of the FHPC are to ensure that:

  1. Probationary positions are filled in a manner that is consistent with the AFT 1521/LACCD Contract (Articles 32 and 33), the College’s Mission, the goals established in the College’s Educational and Strategic Master Plan (ESMP), Accreditation agency requirements, and Program Review.
  2. Probationary positions are allocated in response program and college needs, as documented by the Program Review process.
  3. The prioritization process is conducted in a fair and thoughtful manner.
  4. The selection processes for approved probationary faculty hires are initiated in a timely manner in order to generate diverse pools of highly qualified candidates.

Hiring Prioritization Committee (HPC)



The Online Education Subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the Educational Policies and Program Integrity Committee (EPPIC) of the Academic Senate. Its purpose is to make recommendations to EPPIC on academic and professional standards related to distance education, including: certifying faculty in the use of college-approved distance education platforms; recommending policies on preparing faculty for teaching in the distance education mode; and ensuring accreditation standards regarding distance education programs are maintained.

Online Education Committee



The purpose of this subcommittee of the Academic Senate Educational Policies and Program Integrity Committee (EPPIC) is to design, organize, and implement the program review process for all campus programs.

Program Review and Effectiveness (PRE) Committee



The Executive Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the resolutions, policies, and activities that are authorized by the Academic Senate. The execution and the administration of said resolutions, policies and activities shall be carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Los Angeles City College Academic Senate and these Bylaws, and existing applicable law.

The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Academic Senate between its business meetings and during the time that the college is not in session, shall make recommendations to the Academic Senate, and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall be subject to the orders of the Academic Senate, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Academic Senate. Any action taken under this clause shall be by an affirmative vote of a majority of the membership of the Executive Committee present and voting and said action shall be submitted for approval by the Academic Senate at its next scheduled meeting.

Senate Executive Committee


Our Assessment Philosophy and Process

The central mission of Los Angeles City College is its commitment to student learning and success. We recognize that learning requires more than memorizing facts and figures. Learning demands that students utilize their command of facts and figures to solve problems, to demonstrate skills, and to think critically. We are committed to examining how students learn and how each component of the college contributes to the learning process and thus, student success.

We believe that assessment is the vehicle to promote continuous improvement in our courses, programs, and services. This process will deliver feedback we will use to design, modify, and adapt our courses, programs, and services, to promote student learning and success.

Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments (SLOA) Committee


College Council Committees


The College Council makes recommendations to the College President on resource allocation, operational decision-making, and institution-wide quality assurance and process improvement. The College Council makes recommendations to the College President on college-wide process and policy implementation matters, including approval of the Educational and Strategic Master Plan, the college’s annual planning goals, college-wide budget priorities, facilities policies, and other policies that do not involve academic and professional matters. It is also responsible for assuring the continuous assessment and improvement of all major college planning and decision-making process, including accreditation review and reporting. Student learning and success is central to its function.


  1. Makes recommendations to the College President on college-wide process and policy implementation matters
  2. Overseeing the work of the Budget Committee as it drafts and implements the college annual “Operational Budget Plan”
  3. Overseeing college-wide planning
  4. Overseeing the drafting, revising and the implementation of the college’s Facilities Master Plan and Bond Program planning efforts
  5. Overseeing college accreditation efforts
  6. Assuring the continuous improvement of all college-wide planning and decision-making processes
  7. Making recommendations on all additional college-wide issues that do not infringe on academic and professional matters reserved to the Academic Senate or rights and responsibilities outlined in collective bargaining agreements.

All College Council decision-making is driven by the college’s Educational and Strategic Master Plan and its core purpose of improving student learning and success. While the College Council may suggest improvements to college planning and budget processes, all changes to such processes must be approved by the Academic Senate and the College President by mutual agreement.

College Council



Los Angeles City College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at: Students and members of the public who desire to file a formal complaint related to noncompliance with accreditation standards ( may contact the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) directly. The commission can be contacted at:

Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
10 Commercial Boulevard, Suite 204
Novato, CA 94949
Telephone: (415) 506-0234
Fax: (415) 506-0238




The Budget Committee makes recommendations to the College Council on college-wide budget allocations in alignment with institutional priorities established by the Strategic Planning Committee. It also makes recommendations on budget augmentations and reductions during the course of a given fiscal year.  


  1. Reviews all base budget allocation requests and recommends final base budget allocation allotments to the College Council.
  2. Reviews all budgetary resource request prioritizations beyond the base budgets from Academic Affairs, Student Services and Administrative Services, and develops the annual college-wide budgetary resource request priority list.
  3. Recommends allocation of additional resources in the event that additional funds are made available to the college during a given fiscal year.
  4. Recommends budgetary reductions in the event that college funding is reduced during a given fiscal year
  5. Oversees progress towards implementation of priorities established through the budget allocation process
  6. Makes recommendations on requests for emergency budget allocations. 

Budget Committee



The Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) is a committee of the College Council responsible for the:

  1. Review of, and recommendation of revisions to, the college Facilities Master Plan.
  2. Review of, and making recommendations on, campus scheduled maintenance and all capital construction projects.
  3. Review of updates and revisions to all capital construction projects, and providing recommendations on proposed capital construction changes to the College Council.
  4. Review and recommending updates and/or changes to the campus landscape plan.
  5. Review and recommending revisions to facilities usage policies.
  6. Review, research, and providing recommendations on facility matters related to emergency planning, disaster preparedness, and safety
  7. Any functions of the retired Bond Steering Committee that are not explicitly listed above.

Facilities Planning Committee



The Staff and Organizational Development Committee promotes the continuous improvement of our classified staff, faculty, and administrators, by enhancing the capacity to serve and empower our LACC students through professional learning and development opportunities. 

Staff and Organizational Development



​The Strategic Planning Taskforce (SPT) makes recommendations to the Academic Senate on academic issues and College Council on institution-wide strategic goal and priority setting and accountability for student success.  This taskforce is charged with creating and monitoring the college’s mission and Educational and Strategic Master Plan (ESMP) for student success, which includes all the goals and objectives traditionally associated with educational master planning, technology planning, matriculation planning, equity planning, enrollment management and other forms of goal setting that have a direct impact on student learning and success.  All taskforce actions shall be consistent with the LACC Integrated Planning Process approved by the Academic Senate and the College President.


  1. Drafting, revising, and overseeing the implementation of the college’s ESMP
  2. Developing annual college planning goals and objectives
  3. Overseeing implementation teams responsible for specific college-wide objectives in the ESMP and annual plans
  4. Communicating to the college community through direct biennial reports and through the committee structure on progress towards completion of ESMP goals, progress on improving student achievement and learning, and news about additional student success efforts.
  5. Oversee, evaluate and coordinate institutional planning processes (except for facilities planning) and its mechanisms for measuring college objectives and outcomes
  6. Oversee the Achieving the Dream initiative
  7. Review and analyze data for assigned ESMP objectives/strategies, review unit planning objectives related to ESMP and identify any college-level actions needed to improve college performance on the ESMP objective/strategy

Strategic Planning Taskforce



The Technology Steering Committee is a standing subcommittee of the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) and serves the following purposes:

  1. To plan and coordinate the application of technology to the execution of the College’s mission and Educational and Strategic Master Plan
  2. To serve as a resource on technology-related issues for all divisions, units, and programs
  3. To serve as the advisory committee to the Information Technology department
  4. To review and make recommendations towards the implementation of the Technology Resources Master Plan

Tech Steering Committee


While these College Council committees are inactive, their documents can still be viewed on Sharepoint:

Other Committees


The Guided Pathways committee oversees the college’s guided pathways efforts. The committee reports to the College Council on all matters and to EPPIC on academic and professional matters. The Guided Pathways committee creates and tracks implementation of the activities that support the Educational and Strategic Master Plan (ESMP). The committee coordinates and communicates with oversight committees and works with the Vice Presidents to ensure objectives of the ESMP are being met.

Guided Pathways Committee


Coming Soon



The Work Environment Committee (WEC) was formed in keeping with applicable collective bargaining agreements. Its purpose is to make policy recommendations and to monitor work space and working conditions issues, health and safety issues, and emergency preparedness issues.

Work Environment Committee (WEC)