LACC Circle Sculpture

FYE Summer Bridge Schedules

Summer Bridge 2024

Don't miss your last chance to join the First Year Experience program for Fall 2024 by attending a Summer Bridge Activity. You have the choice of registering for an FYE Summer Course or attending Adapting to City, a 3-day workshop. Both Summer Bridge options require you to have an LACC student ID number and register for courses, please make sure to apply and enroll in the correct class number before the course or workshop.

Option 1: FYE Summer Credit Courses (Session B from July 15 to August 18): 

English 101: Class Number:  12902, Class Days and Time: Monday - Thursday, 10:45am - 1:10pm

Chicano Studies 8: Class Number: 14774, Class Days and Time: Monday - Thursday, 10:45am - 1:10pm

Math 227: Class Number: 11121, Class Days and Time: Monday - Thursday, 9:30am - 12:50pm

Communications 101: Class Number: 14250: Class Days and Time: Monday - Thursday, 10:45am - 1:10pm  

Option 2: Successfully Adapting to City (noncredit - workshop) 

If selecting the workshop option you must enroll in the non-credit Basic Skills 075CE and choose from the following options: 

Session 1 (Complete): 6/17/2024 - 06/20/2024 (excludes 06/17/24 which is a holiday) Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. 9:00am to 11:50am

Class Number: 14762

Location: Holmes Hall 006     

Session 2 (Complete): 07/01/2024 - 07/03/2024, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9:00am to 11:50am

Class Number: 14763

Location: Holmes Hall 006         

Session 3: 07/15/2024 - 07/17/2024, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9:00am to 11:50am

Class Number: 14764

Location: Holmes Hall 006

Session 4: 07/29/2024 - 07/31/2024, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9:00am to 11:50am

Class Number: 14765

Location: Holmes Hall 006

Session 5: 08/12/2024 - 08/14/2024, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9:00am to 11:50am             

Class Number: 14766

Location: Holmes Hall 006


I am signed up for Summer Bridge 2024, what is next?

  1. Complete orientation. You can complete this in your student portal.
  2. Complete financial aid application. To find out information on which application you want to sign up for, visit the financial aid website by visiting
  3. Check your LACCD emails for any update from the school and FYE program.

Office Hours

In Person / Online
Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 1:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed